
8 12, 2011

Frequently seen tigers of the tourism area of Ranthambhore – from October 2011 onwards

December 8th, 2011|Categories: News, Ranthambhore Tiger|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Frequently seen tigers of the tourism area of Ranthambhore – from October 2011 onwards

Here are the identification photographs and range of the frequently seen tigers of Ranthambhore national park in India. Since the national park reopened in October 2011 for visitors - these 10 have been the most frequently sighted tigers in the tourism zone of Ranthambhore.      

16 11, 2011

Five weeks in Masai Mara National Reserve – Week 5

November 16th, 2011|Categories: Bagh Safari|Tags: , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Five weeks in Masai Mara National Reserve – Week 5

During the fifth week in Masai Mara our sightings of the three lion prides with small cubs were great as by now we could find them almost anytime we wanted to. A few of my close friend were part of this group and we had a party every night, which was long overdue. Four weeks

4 11, 2011

Five weeks in Masai Mara National Reserve – Week 4

November 4th, 2011|Categories: Bagh Safari|Tags: , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Five weeks in Masai Mara National Reserve – Week 4

Cats were once again the highlight of our fourth week. There were fewer river crossings in this week but by now we had become adept at finding three prides of lions, all three with very young cubs, a pair of mating cheetahs (though we never really saw them mating) and a huge male leopard, whose

22 10, 2011

Five weeks in Masai Mara National Reserve – Week 3

October 22nd, 2011|Categories: Bagh Safari|Tags: , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Five weeks in Masai Mara National Reserve – Week 3

At the end of the second week we bid goodbye to Kahini, Shivang and all their friends and crossed the Mara River to go towards Talek River. This week we had a group of close friends and family who were booked in Sunworld Safari’s amazing camp (Mara Bush Camp). This place is located in the

17 10, 2011

Five weeks in Masai Mara National Reserve – Week 2

October 17th, 2011|Categories: Bagh Safari|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on Five weeks in Masai Mara National Reserve – Week 2

Week 2 The weekends in Masai Mara were “rest days” for us. One of our groups would leave on the Saturday and the next one would come to the camp either on Sunday evening or on Monday evening. They were great days as we had the camp all to ourselves. On Saturday mornings I would

11 10, 2011

Five weeks in Masai Mara National Reserve – Week 1

October 11th, 2011|Categories: Bagh Safari|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on Five weeks in Masai Mara National Reserve – Week 1

My wife, Poonam, and I were fortunate to spend five weeks in Masai Mara during the annual Wildebeest migration this year. We were there last year for two weeks and came back convinced that two weeks were not enough. It took us a year to plan a five-week trip. Since five weeks in Mara can

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