
November 2011

Five weeks in Masai Mara National Reserve – Week 4

November 4th, 2011|Categories: Bagh Safari|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

Cats were once again the highlight of our fourth week. There were fewer river crossings in this week but by now we had become adept at finding three prides of lions, all three with very young cubs, a pair of mating cheetahs (though we never really saw them mating) and a huge male leopard, whose

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October 2011

Five weeks in Masai Mara National Reserve – Week 3

October 22nd, 2011|Categories: Bagh Safari|Tags: , , , , , , , |

At the end of the second week we bid goodbye to Kahini, Shivang and all their friends and crossed the Mara River to go towards Talek River. This week we had a group of close friends and family who were booked in Sunworld Safari’s amazing camp (Mara Bush Camp). This place is located in the

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