
April 2012

October 2011

Five weeks in Masai Mara National Reserve – Week 2

October 17th, 2011|Categories: Bagh Safari|Tags: , , , , , , |

Week 2 The weekends in Masai Mara were “rest days” for us. One of our groups would leave on the Saturday and the next one would come to the camp either on Sunday evening or on Monday evening. They were great days as we had the camp all to ourselves. On Saturday mornings I would

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Five weeks in Masai Mara National Reserve – Week 1

October 11th, 2011|Categories: Bagh Safari|Tags: , , , , , , |

My wife, Poonam, and I were fortunate to spend five weeks in Masai Mara during the annual Wildebeest migration this year. We were there last year for two weeks and came back convinced that two weeks were not enough. It took us a year to plan a five-week trip. Since five weeks in Mara can

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