The Ranthambhore Bagh opened in 1998 as a modest 12-room hotel for travellers looking out for an experience in the Ranthambhore National Park. The following year we added luxury tents, with all the facilities that a modern day traveler needs. We have now evolved to a resort which caters to all kind of specialist needs and have become the favourite hangout of filming crews, photographers, naturalists, birders and tourists who desire a richer wildlife experience. If you are the kind who wants to photograph the Indian courser or identify the different individual tigers of Ranthambore then you have reached the right place.

The outdoor area in The Ranthambhore Bagh consists of three beautifully landscaped gardens with many full-grown trees, which is not a common sight in most of the hotels of Ranthambore. The tents have been pitched on large rolling, tree covered grounds. Our checklist of birds that can be seen inside the campus, mainly around the tents, has gone up to 150 and we are still counting.

“Friendly, first rate hospitality in one of my favorite places in India. Thanks to one and all for everything. Staying in this hotel is like staying with our families and other animals. Thanks for everything, it’s been fabulous. Until the next time.”

Nick Garbett, Wildlife Photographer

At The Ranthambhore Bagh you have a wide choice of activities. You could go hiking, do nature walks, take a game safari, do birdwatching or visit villages for a taste of rural Rajasthan and an insight into local culture. Or you could take packed lunch and go chill out at some nice spots on the outskirts of the park.

If you are in Ranthambhore National Park for a vacation the there is not much point in spending a lot of time in your room and we at The Bagh understand this. A typical day at The Ranthambhore Bagh starts with a pre dawn wake up. At the crack of dawn you head towards out lounge for refreshments and then leave for a wildlife safari to the Ranthambore National Park. You return to the lodge in time for a hearty breakfast in our garden. You could then chill out in the garden or head to the Dastakari kendra or Old city for a dose of the local culture. After lunch you head out again for wildlife viewing to the national park or could go visit the 1000 year old Ranthambore fort. You return to the hotel for evening tea. By sunset our bonfires are lit and thats when life starts getting wilder. There is never a dull moment at The Bagh.